Package com.mxgraph.layout

Source Code of com.mxgraph.layout.mxCompactTreeLayout$Polygon

package com.mxgraph.layout;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import com.mxgraph.model.mxGeometry;
import com.mxgraph.model.mxIGraphModel;
import com.mxgraph.util.mxRectangle;
import com.mxgraph.view.mxGraph;

public class mxCompactTreeLayout extends mxGraphLayout

   * Specifies the orientation of the layout. Default is true.
  protected boolean horizontal;

   * Specifies if edge directions should be inverted. Default is false.
  protected boolean invert;

   * If the parent should be resized to match the width/height of the
   * tree. Default is true.
  protected boolean resizeParent = true;

   * Specifies if the tree should be moved to the top, left corner
   * if it is inside a top-level layer. Default is true.
  protected boolean moveTree = true;

   * Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
   * Default is true.
  protected boolean resetEdges = true;

   * Holds the levelDistance. Default is 10.
  protected int levelDistance = 10;

   * Holds the nodeDistance. Default is 20.
  protected int nodeDistance = 20;

   * @param graph
  public mxCompactTreeLayout(mxGraph graph)
    this(graph, true);

   * @param graph
   * @param horizontal
  public mxCompactTreeLayout(mxGraph graph, boolean horizontal)
    this(graph, horizontal, false);

   * @param graph
   * @param horizontal
   * @param invert
  public mxCompactTreeLayout(mxGraph graph, boolean horizontal, boolean invert)
    this.horizontal = horizontal;
    this.invert = invert;

   * Returns a boolean indicating if the given <mxCell> should be ignored as a
   * vertex. This returns true if the cell has no connections.
   * @param vertex Object that represents the vertex to be tested.
   * @return Returns true if the vertex should be ignored.
  public boolean isVertexIgnored(Object vertex)
    return super.isVertexIgnored(vertex)
        || graph.getConnections(vertex).length == 0;

   * @return the horizontal
  public boolean isHorizontal()
    return horizontal;

   * @param horizontal the horizontal to set
  public void setHorizontal(boolean horizontal)
    this.horizontal = horizontal;

   * @return the invert
  public boolean isInvert()
    return invert;

   * @param invert the invert to set
  public void setInvert(boolean invert)
    this.invert = invert;

   * @return the resizeParent
  public boolean isResizeParent()
    return resizeParent;

   * @param resizeParent the resizeParent to set
  public void setResizeParent(boolean resizeParent)
    this.resizeParent = resizeParent;

   * @return the moveTree
  public boolean isMoveTree()
    return moveTree;

   * @param moveTree the moveTree to set
  public void setMoveTree(boolean moveTree)
    this.moveTree = moveTree;

   * @return the resetEdges
  public boolean isResetEdges()
    return resetEdges;

   * @param resetEdges the resetEdges to set
  public void setResetEdges(boolean resetEdges)
    this.resetEdges = resetEdges;

   * @return the levelDistance
  public int getLevelDistance()
    return levelDistance;

   * @param levelDistance the levelDistance to set
  public void setLevelDistance(int levelDistance)
    this.levelDistance = levelDistance;

   * @return the nodeDistance
  public int getNodeDistance()
    return nodeDistance;

   * @param nodeDistance the nodeDistance to set
  public void setNodeDistance(int nodeDistance)
    this.nodeDistance = nodeDistance;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see com.mxgraph.layout.mxIGraphLayout#execute(java.lang.Object)
  public void execute(Object parent)
    execute(parent, null);

   * Implements <mxGraphLayout.execute>.
   * If the parent has any connected edges, then it is used as the root of
   * the tree. Else, <mxGraph.findTreeRoots> will be used to find a suitable
   * root node within the set of children of the given parent.
  public void execute(Object parent, Object root)
    mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();

    if (root == null)
      // Takes the parent as the root if it has outgoing edges
      if (graph.getEdges(parent, model.getParent(parent), invert,
          !invert, false).length > 0)
        root = parent;

      // Tries to find a suitable root in the parent's
      // children
        Object[] roots = graph.findTreeRoots(parent, true, invert);

        if (roots.length > 0)
          for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++)
            if (!isVertexIgnored(roots[i])
                && graph.getEdges(roots[i], null, invert,
                    !invert, false).length > 0)
              root = roots[i];

    if (root != null)
      parent = model.getParent(root);

        TreeNode node = dfs(root, parent, null);

        if (node != null)

          double x0 = graph.getGridSize();
          double y0 = x0;

          if (!moveTree || model.getParent(parent) == model.getRoot())
            mxGeometry g = model.getGeometry(root);

            if (g != null)
              x0 = g.getX();
              y0 = g.getY();

          mxRectangle bounds = null;

          if (horizontal)
            bounds = horizontalLayout(node, x0, y0, null);
            bounds = verticalLayout(node, null, x0, y0, null);

          if (bounds != null)
            double dx = 0;
            double dy = 0;

            if (bounds.getX() < 0)
              dx = Math.abs(x0 - bounds.getX());

            if (bounds.getY() < 0)
              dy = Math.abs(y0 - bounds.getY());

            if (parent != null)
              mxRectangle size = graph.getStartSize(parent);
              dx += size.getWidth();
              dy += size.getHeight();

              // Resize parent swimlane
              if (resizeParent && !graph.isCellCollapsed(parent))
                mxGeometry g = model.getGeometry(parent);

                if (g != null)
                  double width = bounds.getWidth()
                      + size.getWidth() - bounds.getX()
                      + 2 * x0;
                  double height = bounds.getHeight()
                      + size.getHeight() - bounds.getY()
                      + 2 * y0;

                  g = (mxGeometry) g.clone();

                  if (g.getWidth() > width)
                    dx += (g.getWidth() - width) / 2;

                  if (g.getHeight() > height)
                    if (horizontal)
                      dy += (g.getHeight() - height) / 2;

                  model.setGeometry(parent, g);

            moveNode(node, dx, dy);

   * Moves the specified node and all of its children by the given amount.
  protected void moveNode(TreeNode node, double dx, double dy)
    node.x += dx;
    node.y += dy;
    apply(node, null);

    TreeNode child = node.child;

    while (child != null)
      moveNode(child, dx, dy);
      child =;

   * Does a depth first search starting at the specified cell.
   * Makes sure the specified swimlane is never left by the
   * algorithm.
  protected TreeNode dfs(Object cell, Object parent, Set<Object> visited)
    if (visited == null)
      visited = new HashSet<Object>();

    TreeNode node = null;

    if (cell != null && !visited.contains(cell) && !isVertexIgnored(cell))
      node = createNode(cell);

      mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
      TreeNode prev = null;
      Object[] out = graph.getEdges(cell, parent, invert, !invert, false);

      for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++)
        Object edge = out[i];

        if (!isEdgeIgnored(edge))
          // Resets the points on the traversed edge
          if (resetEdges)
            setEdgePoints(edge, null);

          // Checks if terminal in same swimlane
          Object target = graph.getView().getVisibleTerminal(edge,
          TreeNode tmp = dfs(target, parent, visited);

          if (tmp != null && model.getGeometry(target) != null)
            if (prev == null)
              node.child = tmp;
     = tmp;

            prev = tmp;

    return node;

   * Starts the actual compact tree layout algorithm
   * at the given node.
  protected void layout(TreeNode node)
    if (node != null)
      TreeNode child = node.child;

      while (child != null)
        child =;

      if (node.child != null)
        attachParent(node, join(node));

  protected mxRectangle horizontalLayout(TreeNode node, double x0, double y0,
      mxRectangle bounds)
    node.x += x0 + node.offsetX;
    node.y += y0 + node.offsetY;
    bounds = apply(node, bounds);
    TreeNode child = node.child;

    if (child != null)
      bounds = horizontalLayout(child, node.x, node.y, bounds);
      double siblingOffset = node.y + child.offsetY;
      TreeNode s =;

      while (s != null)
        bounds = horizontalLayout(s, node.x + child.offsetX,
            siblingOffset, bounds);
        siblingOffset += s.offsetY;
        s =;

    return bounds;

  protected mxRectangle verticalLayout(TreeNode node, Object parent,
      double x0, double y0, mxRectangle bounds)
    node.x += x0 + node.offsetY;
    node.y += y0 + node.offsetX;
    bounds = apply(node, bounds);
    TreeNode child = node.child;

    if (child != null)
      bounds = verticalLayout(child, node, node.x, node.y, bounds);
      double siblingOffset = node.x + child.offsetY;
      TreeNode s =;

      while (s != null)
        bounds = verticalLayout(s, node, siblingOffset, node.y
            + child.offsetX, bounds);
        siblingOffset += s.offsetY;
        s =;

    return bounds;

  protected void attachParent(TreeNode node, double height)
    double x = nodeDistance + levelDistance;
    double y2 = (height - node.width) / 2 - nodeDistance;
    double y1 = y2 + node.width + 2 * nodeDistance - height;

    node.child.offsetX = x + node.height;
    node.child.offsetY = y1;

    node.contour.upperHead = createLine(node.height, 0, createLine(x, y1,
    node.contour.lowerHead = createLine(node.height, 0, createLine(x, y2,

  protected void layoutLeaf(TreeNode node)
    double dist = 2 * nodeDistance;

    node.contour.upperTail = createLine(node.height + dist, 0, null);
    node.contour.upperHead = node.contour.upperTail;
    node.contour.lowerTail = createLine(0, -node.width - dist, null);
    node.contour.lowerHead = createLine(node.height + dist, 0,

  protected double join(TreeNode node)
    double dist = 2 * nodeDistance;

    TreeNode child = node.child;
    node.contour = child.contour;
    double h = child.width + dist;
    double sum = h;
    child =;

    while (child != null)
      double d = merge(node.contour, child.contour);
      child.offsetY = d + h;
      child.offsetX = 0;
      h = child.width + dist;
      sum += d + h;
      child =;

    return sum;

  protected double merge(Polygon p1, Polygon p2)
    double x = 0;
    double y = 0;
    double total = 0;

    Polyline upper = p1.lowerHead;
    Polyline lower = p2.upperHead;

    while (lower != null && upper != null)
      double d = offset(x, y, lower.dx, lower.dy, upper.dx, upper.dy);
      y += d;
      total += d;

      if (x + lower.dx <= upper.dx)
        x += lower.dx;
        y += lower.dy;
        lower =;
        x -= upper.dx;
        y -= upper.dy;
        upper =;

    if (lower != null)
      Polyline b = bridge(p1.upperTail, 0, 0, lower, x, y);
      p1.upperTail = ( != null) ? p2.upperTail : b;
      p1.lowerTail = p2.lowerTail;
      Polyline b = bridge(p2.lowerTail, x, y, upper, 0, 0);

      if ( == null)
        p1.lowerTail = b;

    p1.lowerHead = p2.lowerHead;

    return total;

  protected double offset(double p1, double p2, double a1, double a2,
      double b1, double b2)
    double d = 0;

    if (b1 <= p1 || p1 + a1 <= 0)
      return 0;

    double t = b1 * a2 - a1 * b2;

    if (t > 0)
      if (p1 < 0)
        double s = p1 * a2;
        d = s / a1 - p2;
      else if (p1 > 0)
        double s = p1 * b2;
        d = s / b1 - p2;
        d = -p2;
    else if (b1 < p1 + a1)
      double s = (b1 - p1) * a2;
      d = b2 - (p2 + s / a1);
    else if (b1 > p1 + a1)
      double s = (a1 + p1) * b2;
      d = s / b1 - (p2 + a2);
      d = b2 - (p2 + a2);

    if (d > 0)
      return d;

    return 0;

  protected Polyline bridge(Polyline line1, double x1, double y1,
      Polyline line2, double x2, double y2)
    double dx = x2 + line2.dx - x1;
    double dy = 0;
    double s = 0;

    if (line2.dx == 0)
      dy = line2.dy;
      s = dx * line2.dy;
      dy = s / line2.dx;

    Polyline r = createLine(dx, dy,; = createLine(0, y2 + line2.dy - dy - y1, r);

    return r;

  protected TreeNode createNode(Object cell)
    TreeNode node = new TreeNode(cell);

    mxRectangle geo = getVertexBounds(cell);

    if (geo != null)
      if (horizontal)
        node.width = geo.getHeight();
        node.height = geo.getWidth();
        node.width = geo.getWidth();
        node.height = geo.getHeight();

    return node;

  protected mxRectangle apply(TreeNode node, mxRectangle bounds)
    mxRectangle g = graph.getModel().getGeometry(node.cell);

    if (node.cell != null && g != null)
      if (isVertexMovable(node.cell))
        g = setVertexLocation(node.cell, node.x, node.y);

      if (bounds == null)
        bounds = new mxRectangle(g.getX(), g.getY(), g.getWidth(), g
        bounds = new mxRectangle(Math.min(bounds.getX(), g.getX()),
            Math.min(bounds.getY(), g.getY()), Math.max(bounds
                + bounds.getWidth(), g.getX() + g.getWidth()),
            Math.max(bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight(), g.getY()
                + g.getHeight()));

    return bounds;

  protected Polyline createLine(double dx, double dy, Polyline next)
    return new Polyline(dx, dy, next);

  protected static class TreeNode
    protected Object cell;

    protected double x, y, width, height, offsetX, offsetY;

    protected TreeNode child, next; // parent, sibling

    protected Polygon contour = new Polygon();

    public TreeNode(Object cell)
      this.cell = cell;


  protected static class Polygon

    protected Polyline lowerHead, lowerTail, upperHead, upperTail;


  protected static class Polyline

    protected double dx, dy;

    protected Polyline next;

    protected Polyline(double dx, double dy, Polyline next)
      this.dx = dx;
      this.dy = dy; = next;



Related Classes of com.mxgraph.layout.mxCompactTreeLayout$Polygon

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